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Magenta Goes Greener – By Allyson Hopkins

Magenta has been working to be a greener company for some time now. Like most people, we are concerned about the environment and wanted to do whatever we could as a company and as individuals to reduce our impact on the planet.

Whilst we continue doing the things we have already put in place such as reducing our printing and paper use, using eco-friendly facilities such as Bulb for our gas, electric, and recycling everything that we can, we still wanted to do more.

Some of the latest changes we have made are that we are changing to eco-friendly cleaning materials and introduced hybrid office and home working for our team to reduce fuel consumption.

We continue to make a monthly payment to Ecologi. Ecologi invest in environmental projects and plant a number of trees per employee per month. We are proud to be a member and to date we have:

• Had a carbon neutral team for 4 months • Reduced our carbon by 31.8 tonnes • Planted 442 trees

We are constantly thinking about what else we can do to educate ourselves. We’ve subscribed to the monthly eco magazine – Ethical Consumer – which gives us advice and more importantly arms us with knowledge. For example, this month’s magazine covered issues such as greener cleaning products and devices, as well as providing us with updates on the latest legislation and eco news.

Whatever we do at Magenta, we like to give 100 percent at all times. We have set up a team page so we can share any eco news and information. Educating ourselves we believe is the biggest tool we have in helping the environment. We are embracing the challenge of what we can do better, change and most importantly what we can educate ourselves and others with. Learning is for life and that is definitely true when it comes to teaching ourselves about the environment.

If everyone plays their part, whatever the environmental issue is, then this beautiful world we live in will continue to give delight and a home for many generations to come. So, when people say, what I do doesn’t matter, I am just one person, remember this phrase “Individually we are a drop in the ocean but together we make the ocean”.

With this in mind we have decided that instead of sending out books and other small tokens as a welcome gift for new clients, we will now be giving extra money to Ecologi on behalf of a client in their name and planting more trees.

So, we open the challenge to you, our lovely clients, and readers, tell us what you are doing to help the environment and if you have any suggestions for us, then we would love to hear them.

So as much as we love being Magenta, we are proud to be green too.

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Magenta Financial Planning
Magenta Financial Planning
Suite 1, Nolton Court, Nolton Street, Bridgend. CF31 1BX
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Magenta Financial Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales number 10055304.

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